Olieverversing 10w40 voor de Suzuki GSX1100G
Performing minor maintenance on your engine yourself is not very difficult. However, it is important to choose oil of very high quality. This will benefit the life of your engine. Especially for engines with 'slipper clutches', the oil should be changed on time and the same goes for the oil filter on time. This is because the oil gets dirty faster.
Olie van Motorex gebruiken wij al jaren en de invloed op lagers etc is goed zichtbaar tijdens revisiewerkzaamheden. Bezuinig dus niet op de verkeerde manier door voor een goedkopere olie te kiezen die minder van kwaliteit is.
This oil with viscosity 10w40 is prescribed for this type of engine according to Motorex. To be sure, always check if the viscosity is also prescribed by the manufacturer. Click here for other interesting products for maintenance